Mesh: A fabulous, freebie, full-perm office

Mesh: A fabulous, freebie, full-perm office

OK peeps. I said I would only be blogging mesh items here if I found an absolutely incredible offer, and I’ve done just that. This utterly fantabulous offer from Meli Imako is something you simply cannot pass up on, whether you’re a builder or not.

Full-perm mesh – Modern Office Desk Set

I don’t use a mesh-capable viewer, so I’m pinching Meli’s Marketplace image for this post (hope you don’t mind, Meli!)

This item is not only free, it’s full permission. That means you can pull it apart, examine it, rebuild it, change the colours; whatever you like. Builders, you can use it in your own creations (although, as with all full-perm stuff, you mustn’t re-sell the item as-is, as though it were entirely your own creation).

Please remember: you MUST be using a viewer capable of rendering mesh in order to see this as it’s meant to be in-world.

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