Hi peeps!
Oh my giddy aunt, have I been BUSY! I’ve spent almost the entire day shuttling around the Second Life grid, picking up gift after gift from the stupendously generous Holiday Special Giveaway. There are 54 stores taking part, including LeLutka with two free gift mesh heads – one male and one female – from their gorgeous EvoX range, so if you’ve not been able to afford a mesh head before, or you want to get some alts kitted out with some gorgeousity (totally a word, and not because I just made it up) then you need to take a bit of time to grab this stuff!
There’s a ton of stuff included, and it’s all free, but here is one skin that knocked me for six when I put it on, so I used it for the banner image for this post!

Isn’t that absolutely Be-YOU-tiful?! I was seal-clapping like a loony when it rezzed; it’s just so lovely!
In the above pic, I’m wearing the Raven gift head from LeLutka, and I deliberately kept the default shape (but blended it with my preferred body shape by copying the body shape numbers over to the head shape numbers). I’m also wearing the lightest tone of the head’s eyes. And the skin? That’s the ‘Rae’ Skin from IVES Beauty, again, completely free! This is the ‘Icy’ skintone, and you can find the matching body skin from the ‘Venus’ range at Velour. If you use Velour’s ‘Ipanema’ body skin range, this skin also contains matches to that one, too! It comes in the following tones: Blush, Chantilly, Cloudy, Glam, Ibiza, Icy, Porcelain, Praline, Rose Kiss, Sienna, Snow, Sunkiss, and Valley, and it has both brows and no-brows versions included, together with a shape, a brow-shaper, and the matching ear tattoo layers that EvoX heads need.
There’s a ton of skins in the big giveaway, covering all the tones you could possibly need, including a fantasy tone set from Nuve.
Skin creators in the giveaway include: ALT3, Amara Beauty, Avarosa, Bold & Beauty, Clef de Peau, Deetalez, Dernier, Glam Affair, Gloom, Heaux, IVES Beauty, Koonz, LeLapeau, Lueur, Moccino, Mudskin, NonNative, Not Found, Nuve, Pumec, Tres Beau, The Skinnery, plus Velour with body skins, for Legacy F, and eBody Reborn only.
Guys, you’re not left out either! To go with your free ‘Quinn’ EvoX head from LeLutka, there are free skin offerings from: Avarosa, Avi-Glam, Bold & Beauty, Clef de Peau, Not Found, NXS/CheerNo, and Stray Dog. Giveaways like these tend always to favour the ladies of SL, but you chaps also have hair from Vango, ADE, and Doux, plus hairbases from Modulus and Volkstone.
In addition to all that (as if that wasn’t enough!) there’s a load of makeup, jewellery, hair, shapes, piercings, eyes, tattoos, and other stuff. Because it’s almost Christmas (just a couple of hours to go for me here in the UK!) I’ve added some lippy from the event (by ALT3) and some sparkly eyeshadows from Alaskametro (which I already had in my inventory).

All glammed up and ready for a party!
A little note before you begin zipping around the grid: you’ll need at least one or two group slots free, as almost all of these gifts require you to join the relevant store’s group in order to get the gift. I’ve seen quite a few people suggesting this, but while you’re at each store (and still have their group tag active) hunt around to see if they have a group gift wall. I picked up tons of extra goodies that way! Also, some of these stores are worth keeping the group, if you have enough free slots. Those ones usually have fees to join them (sometimes up to L$300) but right now they’re all free to join, so it’s time to get yourself and your alts into them if you can!
As I whizzed around the grid, I found two stores – Heaux and Nuve – that have a daily ‘click here to increase your store credit’ thingy that’s a group only thing, so those are two of the groups that are definitely worth keeping on!
You can find all the info about the participants in this event, here on Seraphim. Start with one of the linked regions at the top, to pick up your free LeLutka head(s) (and the free LeLapeau skins also there) and while you’re there, click the big sign about the event. That will give you the list of participating stores that you can paste into chat and start clicking those SLurls. The event ends on 30th December 2022, so you have a week to get everything!
Happy gift-grabbing, and a Merry Christmas from Mar!