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Tag: mesh

Take that as gospel!

Take that as gospel!

Ladies, there is the most insanely gorgeous pair of mesh ankle boots waiting for you out there, and they’re absolutely FREE!

Gospel Voom, of GoS, has put this fabulous pair of pink Desire mesh ankle boots out as the store’s gift for the Mesh Around Hunt. The prize includes five rigged mesh sizes (for the newbies here, rigged mesh cannot be resized, hence you get several sizes in the pack, but they are directly attached to your avatar’s skeleton, so they move more realistically when you move) plus a bonus unrigged pair (which can be resized).

The Mesh Around Hunt blog is here, complete with all the SLurls you need, plus hints to prize locations. The hunt runs until June 15th :)

Weekend treats!

Weekend treats!

Hi peeps!

I’ve been wandering around the Grid today, and found some gorgeous stuff. This all comes from just three stores (four, if you count the prop in the teaser pic) and everything is less than L$75, with one item completely free for this weekend only.

Hop behind the cut!

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Oh, oh, retro!

Oh, oh, retro!

If you follow Mar on twitter you’ll have seen her squealing about the awesome stuff available at the Retro Swap Meet on The Wash sim. Prices are as low as L$10 or less, and there’s tons of stuff, from 1920s glamourpusses to 50s and 60s vixens and 70s foxy chicks. Guys, there’s some nice retro pieces available for you, too!

Mar’s put together a great summery look from three pieces bought at the Retro Swap Meet (L$10 per item, so a total of L$30) plus two group gifts.

The hair is a fabulous subscribe-o-matic gift from Truth Hair. Battle your way through the crowds (the store is always packed) and – if you’re not already in the subscribe-o, give it a click and wait until you’re registered. Once you see that you’ve been added to the database you (and anyone already in the group) can click again, choose ‘history’ from the menu and navigate to the most recent notice, dated May 26th. Click the relevant number and wait until you’re sent the gift. Inside you’ll find a full fatpack of the gorgeous Jessie mesh hair.

Mar’s Micha Top (tropical) is from the Artilleri stall at the Retro Swap Meet. You’ll get a pack of three tops for L$10 there. Her shoes and jewellery are from the Ear Candy stall, here. Her capris are from the free Aqua Halter and White Capris set from Moulliez, here on Marketplace. And, finally, her (hilariously-named!) Studious Tart glasses are from a humungous fatpack sent out to members of the Nomine subscribe-o-matic.

The Retro Swap Meet finishes on June 6th, so you have another week to check it all out :)

Inventory-maintenance: Those extra mesh sizes!

Inventory-maintenance: Those extra mesh sizes!

Hi peeps!

Here’s a quick inventory-sorting post (I’m not logged in right now, so there are no screencaps, but this is pretty straightforward anyway). If you’re using a mesh-enabled viewer and you’re buying and wearing mesh clothing and accessories, then there’s a new inventory-bloater that you need to think about:

The extra sizes of mesh clothing included in your folders!

Anyone who has bought mesh clothing will know what I’m talking about. Usually, the folders will contain several sizes (anything from three to half a dozen) of clothing. You try them on (together with the alpha layer included) until you find the one that works best for your avatar. And then… what do you do? Memorise that size so you know you can always wear the ‘mediums’ from Store A and the ‘larges’ from Store B?

What do you do with the sizes you don’t wear?

Uh-huh. You need to either ditch those or archive them. If you’re the kind of person who never changes their avatar shape, then junk the spares, but if you anything like me (or most other inventory-sorters that I’ve spoken to!) you’ll want to archive them, just in case. SL has so many packrats! XD

Rez a prim and start archiving those unwanted sizes. Either do one prim per outfit (call it Archive: Un-used sizes, or something like that) and put it in that outfit’s folder or – to bring down the number of prims in your inventory even further – do one prim per store, and keep a separate ‘un-used mesh sizes’ folder going somewhere. And keep on top of it!

Remember: if your archive prim is copiable, when you rez it out to add new unwanted sizes, a copy will remain in your inventory. Once you’ve taken the new, edited prim into your inventory, delete the old one.

Monkey Blue!

Monkey Blue!

UPDATE: The Baby Monkey group is no longer free-to-join.

Hi peeps! Here’s a quick freebie fix, all from one location: Baby Monkey!

The sweater is from the group gift wall (the group is free to join – paste this link into chat and click on it to bring up the join window, then with your tag enabled click the items on the gift wall), the boots are from the lucky boards in the main room, and the mesh skirt is from the Midnight Mania board upstairs in the Mesh Room. (Remember, you need to be using a mesh-enabled viewer such as the official Second Life viewer, or Firestorm etc, to be able to see mesh items.)

Edit: Sorry, peeps. Getting comment-spammed to hell on these latest three posts, so I’m disabling comments on them.

Demo-ing Mesh

Demo-ing Mesh

I picked up a demo of a gorgeous mesh dress at Maitreya today. Although I’m not keen on the V2/V3 interface (I know I could use Firestorm, but still…) I really wanted to see how a rigged mesh dress worked. As I expected, there were a few down points, but the up points outweighed those.

I love the way it moves and stretches with the avatar (although in this case I think the sleeves could have been a tad shorter, so they didn’t cut into the arms when they bend. So I think I’m a convert to mesh!

Hop behind the cut for a few shots of the down points, plus two more gorgeous (free!) mesh dresses.

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[ Mesh ] – Free Christmas dress at Curious Kitties

[ Mesh ] – Free Christmas dress at Curious Kitties

So I finally installed a mesh-capable viewer so I could blog some of the great free and cheap mesh content available on the grid. Please take note of the tags and headers to these posts: you’ll need a mesh-capable viewer in order to see these items as they’re meant to be seen.

I visited the Curious Kitties Mesh Cafe, wherein they have some great freebies set out amid the new, priced mesh items. I found this fabby little Christmas dress, absolutely free, and paired it with the L$10 glittery mesh pumps from Leverocci, in the With Love hunt (ends Jan 6th 2012 and each item costs L$10).

Mesh: A fabulous, freebie, full-perm office

Mesh: A fabulous, freebie, full-perm office

OK peeps. I said I would only be blogging mesh items here if I found an absolutely incredible offer, and I’ve done just that. This utterly fantabulous offer from Meli Imako is something you simply cannot pass up on, whether you’re a builder or not.

Full-perm mesh – Modern Office Desk Set

I don’t use a mesh-capable viewer, so I’m pinching Meli’s Marketplace image for this post (hope you don’t mind, Meli!)

This item is not only free, it’s full permission. That means you can pull it apart, examine it, rebuild it, change the colours; whatever you like. Builders, you can use it in your own creations (although, as with all full-perm stuff, you mustn’t re-sell the item as-is, as though it were entirely your own creation).

Please remember: you MUST be using a viewer capable of rendering mesh in order to see this as it’s meant to be in-world.

Admin: A note about mesh clothing (and why I won’t be blogging it yet)

Admin: A note about mesh clothing (and why I won’t be blogging it yet)

Now that mesh has been rolled out across the grid, we’re starting to see some designers making good use of it. Jane has released mesh clothing, Pixeldolls has released mesh jewellery, and mesh will become more and more prevalent across Second Life.

BUT… until mesh is supported by the majority of viewers then I probably won’t be blogging it here (for exceptions, see the end of this post). The latest official Linden Lab viewers support it, but the vast majority of TPVs (third party viewers) such as Phoenix, Imprudence, etc currently do not, and these TPVs are used by a great many residents in SL.

What does this mean for those wearing mesh? Well, a large portion of the grid will not see your lovely mesh dress. What they will see is this:

Or something along those lines. It may be a squished sphere like that, or it may be a big cube.

Mesh is still in its infancy, and for those of you that don’t know, it’s non-modifiable by the end-user. That is: if you buy a mesh dress and the alpha layers don’t quite fit you and the dress is too small or too big… there’s nothing you can do. If you start searching online you’ll begin to see some blogposts about this. One that I came across yesterday was here, at Crybaby. You can see the benefits of mesh (heck, we’ve all been waiting for skirts that our legs don’t poke through when we sit down or dance, right?) but scroll down for some of the pitfalls.

There is a JIRA requesting the ability to modify mesh in-world. To read more on that and to vote, click here and log in using your avatar name (it’s an official Linden Lab site, so it’s perfectly safe) – CTS-693: Request for Rigged Mesh Parametric Deformer. (UPDATE: This JIRA is no longer viewable, because it’s been moved to be actioned by Linden Lab, so hopefully we should see some ability to resize mesh items soon!)

If an outright mesh bargain is available, then I may blog it, but since I’m not using a viewer that’s currently mesh-enabled I won’t be able to model it for you. Thus, my pics will be of the item’s ad board, and I will ensure that the post states the item will only rez properly to those using a mesh-enabled viewer.