Roxie, Reloaded

Roxie, Reloaded

I thought I’d update Roxie, since the poor girl was looking rather drab. I splurged on my new favourite shoes (Hoc’s Noir Stilettos) and forked over 70L for Glam Affair’s Jadis skin in The Dressing Room. The rest of her look, though, is entirely freebie/cheapie. Her top and pants were L$10 each (the pants also came with another top) from the Glam Affair Discount Room, her eyes and lip ring were free from Mia Snow’s gift at the new FabFree location (also includes amazing makeup!), her hair is a freebie from Pocket Mirrors at Savoir Hair, and the rest of her jewellery is from the lucky chair at Ticky Tacky.

3 thoughts on “Roxie, Reloaded

    1. Thanks! She does, rather. The pics don’t do that hair justice, though. It has gorgeous little curls all along the sides.

      Her signature colour has always been teal (just as Mar’s main signature colour is purple). I’ve got a draft blogpost in the main blog all about putting together a personal colour palette for your avatar, but it got kind of rambly and I lost the thread of it. Hopefully I can pull it together into some semblance of order soon.

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