You know what?

You know what?

I am bored out of my skull just shuttling around the grid on the occasional times that I do log in. Mar doesn’t socialise, she’s definitely not in SL for relationships or live music or dancing or anything else. She was born to live a cheapie life and to help newbies and, while the cheapie life sometimes falls by the wayside (hey, if that pair of shoes she really wants cost L$250 then so be it!) unless she’s doing what she was born to do there’s a big hole in her (and, by extension, my) life.

In short: sod the person who got me down. I won’t take part in their personal crusade, but their comments hit me at a particularly low and exhausted moment and I let them upset me far more than I normally would. Now, I’m not only bored but I’m stronger for having taken a breather. The wonderful, supportive comments that I’ve received from my readers (which I’ll be getting to very shortly) have helped no end. Sometimes it can feel as if you’re blogging into a vacuum and, while I don’t do this for the kudos, it’s nice to know that I’ve made a difference here and there. So, thank you for the positive comments :)

I’ve sent the comments that upset me so much into the trash (although I have taken screencaps, so if the person comes back their comments are still publishable) because I’m sick of seeing them sitting in the pending comments list (and there’s no option on WordPress to clear pending comments without publishing them). So it’s a clean slate.

I’m coming back, bishes ;)

4 thoughts on “You know what?

  1. Jipiiiihh! She is coming back!
    I was sooo sad so read about your thoughts of ending the posting! Though i did not write you some words that moment, i was with you and cursed the person that was so rude to you.
    Welcome Back!!

  2. I’ve been watching all this behind the scene quietly…but I’ve been checking on the blog and I was SO glad to see you back. I follow quite a few SL blogs, but yours has *always* been one of my favorites. I’m glad the break did you good…ignore the idiots (since there are just way too many of them to squish anyway). And know I’ll be checking in just like always. :)

    Welcome back!

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