Railroad update #1

Railroad update #1

The Newbie Haven move is complete! The cottage was rotated through 90° overnight and this morning Mar logged on to shift all the contents into their new position. Apologies if you logged into the Haven while I was asleep, before I had a chance to move everything, and found it looking all higgledy-piggledy!

Here’s the new location, and as you can see there’s still tons of room at the front of the Haven:

I’ve edited the notecard that’s given out by the information sign in the Haven, to include some new info about the railroad, together with landmarks to the rez station and the nearby local terminus where you can call the trains from. Sadly, there’s a huge bit of land with banlines on it that’s stopping one section of the track from being built, so I do hope the creators can get access to that part.

Hop behind the cut for a couple more pics :)

Here’s the lower level of the main terminus in Electra. The outside is complete, but it looks as though the inside (waiting room, station office, etc) is yet to be built. It looks great!

And here is Mar on the upper level.

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